Protecting Your Peace is A Choice

People peacefully sitting on the grass in a park

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“Protect your peace” is a popular mantra on social media. But what exactly does it look like to protect your peace?

In my own experience, I’ve learned that protecting your peace is a journey, and sometimes you hit some turbulence. I love the definition of peace, which means freedom from disturbance.

And I know when I think about life, I would love to live a life free of disturbance, but I don't; I can be disturbed by natural disasters. My nervous system could be disturbed by things happening in the world on an environmental or even a societal level. I think that there are disturbances everywhere I go in life. Still, I am choosing to detach myself from those things and recognize that Two things can be true at once: I can live in a world where there is pain and trauma, and I can also create a world where there is joy, pleasure, and happiness.

Two Ways I’ve Learned to Protect My Peace

  1. Get comfortable with discomfort: Life disturbances can be hard to deal with, but when we get comfortable, we teach ourselves that we can do hard things. This skill has helped me tremendously and has aided my personal development.

  2. Practice radical acceptance: We can’t change people, and we also cannot control them. We can only control ourselves. This level of thinking has been a game changer for me because it helped me relinquish the sense of control I thought I had over others. It also helped me accept the truth for what it is so that I could decide what decisions I need to make and what I will or will not tolerate.

I encourage you to protect your peace daily and choose yourself today.


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