What to Do When You're Socially Exhausted

A group of women being social and smiling

Whether you’re outgoing and love to socialize,, or you’re an introvert with limits when it comes to socializing, anyone can suffer from social fatigue or exhaustion. Pushing ourselves to continue maintaining our social life can cause us to feel burnt out and affect our mental health. So when you secretly wish that your friend will cancel plans last minute or you’re feeling drained after each social outing, it’s a sign that you need to pause your social life and indulge in some much-needed self-care. 

What To Do When You Need To Heal & Recharge Your Social Battery

Healing from social exhaustion and overstimulation from social events can take infinite forms. Still, I want to share some of my favorite ways to recharge when my social battery is low. 

Check your “yes” bank. Do you have another “yes” you can give to another social outing with friends, colleagues, etc.? If your immediate response is “no,” honor that “no” and take that as your body’s signal that you need to rest. You can always say “yes” at another time when you have the energetic capacity to.

Stop the mindless scrolling. Checking what your friends are doing online is another form of socializing, and scrolling through all their photos and videos can be sensory overload for your mind. Take a break from the screens and replace that activity with something more energizing and meaningful to your mental health for a while. 

Let go of the fear of missing out. We can push ourselves to social events because we don’t want to miss out on memories or fun times with our loved ones. But when your mental health is sacrificed, you can end up burnt out and even resent socializing. There’s only one of you, and being with yourself is just as important as being present with those you care about. 

What To Do To Prevent Your Social Battery From Being Drained In A Social Setting

Now, what can you do if you are already feeling drained in the middle of a social outing? Here are my best tips for helping you through the rest of your event without completely emptying your social battery: 

Don’t be afraid to be the first one to leave. If you’re in a social setting and you’re starting to feel your social battery running low, don’t be afraid to be the first to leave. Someone will always be the first to exit a social event, and it’s okay that it may be you! Don’t force yourself to stay in spaces longer than you are willing to.

Change the conversation flow. Sometimes, when you’re feeling drained during a social event, the cause can be the current topic - not the people you’re with. Maybe you’re tired of gossiping, or your friends are too focused on news-related issues. You can politely and subtly change the conversation by switching to a new topic you want to participate in and discuss with those around you. 

What do you like to do when you feel socially burnt out and need a little self-care before your next social event? Share below in the comments.


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